EU Platform for Animal Welfare
The 14th Meeting of the EU Platform for Animal Welfare was held on the 7 December. A central theme was the launch of the European Commission’s proposed ‘Animal Welfare Package’. During a live streamed press conference, Commissioner Kyriakides presented the proposal to revise EU rules on the protection of animals during transport, as well as a new law to protect the welfare of cats and dogs, and a Communication on the European Citizens’ Initiative “Fur Free Europe”.
The proposed revision to the protection of animals during transport and related operations, amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/97 and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 is available at
In the meeting, the Commission also presented the Terms of Reference for a new expert sub-group on the Platform to support EU activities on ‘animal welfare policy indicators’. The work will focus on policy indicators for the main farmed species, taking into consideration the key pillars of animal welfare: nutrition, housing, health and behavioural needs.
Eight tasks are central to subgroup activities, for example:
- To identify examples of animal welfare policy indicators, from public or private organisations, within or outside the EU, to better target and assess policies
- To identify the most relevant policy indicators for the implementation of the current EU legislation.
The subgroup will comprise a maximum of 10 members from the Platform, with a defined composition for representatives from EU Member States, business and professional organisations, organisations from civil society and an independent expert. Representative(s) from EFSA and the EURCAWs may also be invited to contribute.